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Special Thanks goes to acidfreeze30, AggroSk8er, Alpha218, Anubis IV, AssultTank, BAMX, Baseman, Betelgeuse, billyb2004, billybobfred, Biospark27, blue_man, BrandonNC316, Corbon440, Crazymaori, Crono LV99, darkangel76, Devin Morgan, Doodleheimer, dws90, enalzi, Enygmatic, Ex-Kefiroth, FBI Porker, Flintlock_Staff, GauRocks, guwa, hotdogturtle, iamtheprodigy, IONO, ixfd64, jimfish, jonthomson, Kadamony, Kaitlyn, King of Cats, Krystal109, Land Of Gamecubes, leakytoilet, littleman1314, Luster Soldier, Manocheese, Magna Stryker, Math Murderer, Mauron, Mental_Daxter, Meowth, Mingy Jongo, misterbum, Mookiethebold, Mr Lasastryke, NickBush24, Numenor, omgLImES, OnionKid2002, OTACON120, P4wn4g3, PaperLink64, PerseusRad, pojr, R351D3NT3V1L4, Ragn_Charran, Ricky Williams, Ryajinor, Sashanan, SBAllen, ShadowDragon777, SineNomine, SourlDieseL, Space Medafighter X, Sparkmen, Spring Rubber, spudY2K, stx4, Superaielman, Takato, TheEmulatorGuy, TheFifthPerson, Therum, The_Ryman_06, Time, tm315, TML, TMola, Total Lost, TRC, Twisted Silence, UD4, untrustful, UseMyExciter, Volt7x, wallywest80, WhizKid, Xythar, Yaggy, zoips, --Typhlosion--, Captain, anyone else who may have helped us along the way, and of course, the man who created it all - CJayC.
This FAQ has been brought to you by Kirby Still On Top, TrueDFX, RockMFR, FireCrotch, AGH, Error1355, and Magna Stryker.