Damn Posting Limits

There was an error posting your message:

  • To prevent flooding, no user can post more than 2 messages per minute. Please wait and try your post again in 60 seconds.
  • To prevent flooding, users cannot create more than 3 topics in any 15-minute timespan. Please wait and try your post again later.
  • To prevent flooding, users cannot create more than 10 topics on any single board in one day. Please wait and try your post again later.
  • Your topic title contains a single word over 25 characters in length. This can cause problems for certain browsers, and is not allowed.
  • Topic titles must be between 5 and 80 characters.
  • Topic titles cannot be in all uppercase. Turn off your CAPS LOCK.
  • Topic titles cannot contain non-ASCII characters.
  • A topic with this title already exists. Please select another title.
  • Your message contains a single word over 80 characters in length. This can cause problems for certain browsers, and is not allowed.
  • Messages cannot be blank.
  • The maximum allowed size for a message is 4096 characters. Your message is ____ characters long.
  • Messages cannot be in all uppercase. Turn off your CAPS LOCK.
  • Your HTML is not well-formed - please check for unmatched quotes and tags.
  • There was an error sending data to this page; your previewed message was not properly stored.
  • There was an error sending data to this page; your user ID does not match the previewed message.
  • Invalid data was passed to this page.
  • There was an error sending data to this page.
  • There was an error posting your message; please try again.
  • This topic has been closed. You cannot post in it.
  • This topic has been deleted. You cannot post in it.
  • You are not authorized to create topics on this board.
  • You are not authorized to post messages on this board.
  • You are not allowed to post at your current user level.
  • The topic you entered contains one or more banned words. You will need to change the topic title in order to post. Please change your topic, and please note that using symbols or misspelling banned words to bypass the censor is grounds for immediate revocation.
  • The message you entered appears to contain one of the words that GameFaqs has deemed inappropriate for use under any circumstances. The only acceptable means of using this word is to completely block it out (i.e. "****"). Partial blocking, misspelling, or other attempts to use the word is considered a censor bypass, and a severe terms of service violation.
  • You can have a maximum of 5 quote blocks in your message - please edit some out
  • You can have a maximum of 10 spoiler blocks in your message - please edit some out
  • Your poll must include at least 2 options
  • You may be attempting to bypass our profanity filter in your Message Text - remove HTML tags and other symbols from those words and try again
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